Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Some more of Mimi’s friends express their thoughts

From Vern Kinner:

Holli and I returned July 26th from a month-long rail trip and were shocked and saddened to read an e-mail advising that our dear friend Mimi had passed away. 

I have been fortunate to have known Mimi for almost 58 years.  We first met at the Officers Club, James Connally AFB in Waco, Tx. in 1950.  A soiree was planned, attended by local young ladies and the young 2nd Lts.  going through pilot training.  This social event was being covered by a very attractive reporter from the Waco news- paper; her name was Mimi Hicks.  Ty was smitten the first day he met her, beginning a love affair which continues to this day.  Completing basic pilot training, Ty was assigned to Reese AFB in Lubbock and I to Vance in Enid Ok. for advanced training.  We often met in Fort Worth at Mimi's mother's home for weekends.  Later, I was honored to be best man at Mimi and Ty's wedding in the Spring of 1951.  In Au- gust 1951, Ty served as my best man when I married Ann McDer- mott in Larchmont N.Y.  Mimi and Ty joined Ann and me in NYC and at West Point to continue our honeymoons.  Over the years, I was for- tunate to be a guest in their home many times, especially after Ann's un- timely death in 1966.  Then in May of 2003, Mimi and Ty honored me again by attending my wedding to Holli in White Post, Va.

Mimi was a gracious, caring person who was loved by so many and especi- ally by her children and husband.  Holli and I are among those who will dearly miss our wonderful friend........Mimi will live on in our hearts.

From Myrtle Kahn:

I am Myrtle Khan, a friend of Mimi's from Capital Speakers. We met in 1990 and have shared many speeches and lunches since that time. I will always remember Mimi for the sparkle in her eye and her kind and wonderful manner. I remember her enthusiasm when she began the Angel Dolls project and her mystery novel and the care with which she presented her topics or moderated a meeting. I have looked at the many photos of her but there is an image which I carry that is not recorded on the site. I remember her getting into her convertible after one of our meetings, hood down, cap on jauntily, and she drove off a picture of beauty and grace. She was one of the best and she brought out the best in us. We will all miss her. God's Grace Mimi.

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